Monday, October 1, 2012

Independence day speech 2011

Dear friends

2 days from now we will be celebrating our independence day. It's an opportunity to celebrate the birth of our nation and to also express our gratitude to the millions of people who sacrificed either in lives or in kind so that we could get our freedom; freedom to live the way we wanted ;the  freedom to live our choices

65 years we have come a long way. Sure we have many struggles which are unique to the Indian nation but at the same time, world is a witness to the fact that if there was ever a better time to be an Indian it is now .

In our own lifetime we have never seen the promise that we are witnessing today. A promise of a better future.; the promise of better living standards for our people.

And its not only about progress its also about celebrating many uniquenesses of our great nation . Our culture is an amalgamation of various religions castes, creeds and languages . Our existence and unity is a proud  moment . Not many nations so young have been able to manage such diversity along with progress that we have made as a nation

65 years have been a tribute to the unity of our nation. A tribute to How people of various types have contributed to the making of our great nation.

Together we have succeeded. 

Together we will have to fight the many challenges which will come our way.

Lastly I will end up with a question Nehru raised on the 1st day of our independence . Are we brave enough and wise enough to grasp this opportunity and accept the challenge of the future

Today standing here as an ordinary citizen of the great Indian nation I can proudly say, yes we are brave : yes we are wise and there has never been a better time than now.

Thanks with all the positivism

Jai Hind

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