Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Little boy, witch and the None

He said,he dint know.He has never heard of the question,leave aside the answer.For him,it was not he who used to decide and answer for him.
He believed,he was nothing or at best an actor.He need not believe in anything.His role was to tag on to a script.
He was sure,destiny was not his doing.It was created by others or maybe by None.To him,the None was the magical;the most powerful of all.
Once sitting below the sky,the thought came to his head,was sky his None.He looked up and could see the sky being immensely large for his eyes.For a second,he thought,it was None;the magical and the powerful
Soon he started feeling protected with sky around.To him,it was the answer.The none and the magical.Sky will be his consistent company and the omnipresent protector
Once came the rains and with it the mighty clouds.Boy was bewildered.He was afraid,maybe the clouds could kill him.The noise scared him.He had seen death in his family and started fearing the clouds.Maybe the clouds are after him,out to kill him
Disbelief has started creeping in him.Fear that the sky can't protect him from the clouds.He was more worried.He has lost his protector or maybe the protector has lost.
He felt depressed and melancholy.With time ,he developed the habit of talking to himself.He feared others will know of his habit.
He knew of the witches,who were flogged.Their fault being,they used to speak to self in loud.He empathised with them and wondered why do they flog the witches.
Then someone told him,he should share his thoughts with her.He soon told her,he is a witch and feared the villagers will soon kill him
She laughed and said,witches are women and he can't become a witch nor he was at the moment.He has got his answer,he can either be a man or be a witch.Both together was ruled out
He had got his answer,men can't be witches.He was worried,why he was so ready to believe her.He dint have an answer for that
He started meeting her more often.He thought of the girl as the answer.Once she told him,she has been sent by the God to him.He smiled and asked why so.Girl started and said,he should believe him
Although he felt hurt by the answer,he choose not to ask again.He was scared and had some unknown fear.Maybe she was like the food to him.Without it he will find it difficult to survive
He feared losing her.And oneday,she called him and told him,she is going to the faraway town.She was getting married.He smiled and said,he knew.The girl looked at his face and went back.